Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Crazy Hours

So, my last paycheck was pretty pathetic. In fact, it was the smallest paycheck I've received yet, even including my paid training, when my pay was 60% what it is now. I worked ONE day during the last pay period, which definitely reflected itself on my measley little check. I do believe that I wanted a job so that I could get paid to work. Isn't that usually what goes on?

However, in the most recent pay period, I have worked every day but one, usually for a pretty sizeable day. Next check should be better.

I'm just glad I'm not depending on this income to feed a family like many of my colleagues. Basically, I'm just working for gas money and extra money, not for groceries or rent or the electric bill . . .

I appreciate that this work is such that it is unpredictable, and that one can never really be sure of getting work. Still, it seems to me that the disparity between my lowest paycheck and my highest (which amounts to a little over $200) is QUITE A RANGE. I mean, really.

The other problem is that because this work is so sporadic, and because I never know even 24 hours in advance if I'm working the following day, it doesn't allow for me to, say, get another job, in order to guarantee that I can at least have a decent source of income. No, I am at the whim of this company, who can apparently use or not use my services as they please. For although I certainly have had enough time not working to hold down another job, there is no way I could plan on that. Boohoo.

Still, I guess I'm just lucky that I'm not depending on this to put food on my table. Any money is good money, right?

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