Thursday, July 5, 2007

"One time, at Band Camp . . . "

Yep, here I am, like a nerd, at Music Camp. Chamber music camp, to be precise. The Mimir Chamber Music Festival at TCU to be completely precise. It's interesting. I forget how to be away from home. I get bored at the dorms. It's been nice to be around people my own age for a change.

Another interesting thing is that I keep forgetting where I am. For the past few years, being "away from home" meant being 1200 miles away--here, it's shrunk to about 45 miles. When I see someone who looks like someone I know, I have to think: "Is that a Texas person or a Utah person? And where am I right now?"

We saw Transformers last night. It was about a B- film. I do have a crush on Shia LeBeouf, though. He's adorable.

This is so stream of consciousness. Let's see.

Eating out for lunch and dinner every day is making me gain back the weight that I've lost since coming home. Boo.

I wish that I were in a group of players much much much much much better than myself, rather than the group now where everyone is kind of on equal footing. I play better the better my colleagues play.

I actually kind of miss the 5th Wardians. And specifically, one or two (or three) cute boys there. IT's been hard to nurse any kind of relationship with my being all over the place and my attendance being as spotty as it is. Plus I can't figure out if the boys in question are interested or just nice (I suspect the latter, though I hope for the former).

In Other News, I miss my Utah friends. Especially the fact that . . . well, that I actually HAD FRIENDS in Utah. Sigh.


Unknown said...

Don't kid yourself. You don't have friends anywhere.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Cari.