Saturday, July 21, 2007

On "Sentence Enhancers"

Has anyone ever seen that episode of Spongebob Squarepants where Spongebob and Patrick learn about the Thirteen Words You're Never Supposed To Say? Before they learn that those are bad words, they identify them as "sentence enhancers," and employ them liberally in their daily conversation. I think my co-workers feel the same about that.

When we are in the car going from place to place, most of my co-workers enjoy using sentence enhancers for every sentence. Some are even so skilled as to use two or three in the same sentence, or to use the same sentence enhancer in two or three different parts of speech in the same sentence. I am not so adept.

It reminds me a bit of high school, and it's causing me to realize that certain of my co-workers, though much older than myself, have some tendencies which are quite immature. I would say putting the F-bomb at least once in every sentence falls into that category. It's funny. Well, not so much funny-"haha." Okay, maybe it's not funny at all.

Anyway, after having worked a full eight-hour day cleaning three houses (one of which had formerly housed 7 dogs, one of which was pretty well thrashed due to remodeling and so forth), I'm exhausted.

It was, however, delightful to have dinner with the Hartfields, whom I have not seen since . . . well, before they were "the Hartfields." Oh, such good times we used to have back at ol' Billy C.

1 comment:

kunal said...

hi.....u really write very good....can v b frnds so that i get to know the tips of writing well as well....