Sunday, July 29, 2007

My Lackluster Love Life Lacks Lust . . . errrrr . . .

I'm romantically BORED. There just aren't enough men in my life right now. There is ONE male at work, who smokes and uses "sentence enhancers" liberally, and can't read or write very well. Plus, he's married and has kids . . . not exactly what I'm looking for in a man.

At church, there are a few who have piqued my interest, but I feel like all the guys in the Singles' Ward are socially awkward. At least all the ones that AREN'T engaged. Or maybe they're just completely uninterested. In me. In girls. In humankind. And they just talk about WoW all day. Or nothing at all.

Boy #1:
He's pretty much adorable. I've noticed several girls share a special interest in him, and he seems completely unaware of it. Maybe he's just playing dumb, because it's easier than rejecting the girls. Or perhaps he's gay. For the first few weeks I was here, he would talk to me, and I was always so astounded by his beauty that I couldn't think of a thing to say and just muttered stupid stuff. It's been a while since he's said anything to me. Sigh . . .

Boy #2:
Another adorable one, but in this boyish, innocent, pure way. His eyes (blue) just sparkle, and I love his smile. I NEVER see him talking to girls. Only to nerdy boys, and about nerdy boy things. We've exchanged a few words, but only when necessary. I've tried to place myself in convenient places for him to strike up a conversation, but he's never really taken the bait. It is my assessment that he's one of those nerdy boys who doesn't know that he's actually really quite attractive, and thus is really shy. I try to build guys like that up, but I don't know how to do it when I have such little contact with the boy!

Boy #3:
Much more outgoing than the first two cases, this boy is sweet, friendly, and handsome. He's got me utterly confused, though. We're friends, and we talk, and we have a good time, but is it just because he's a Nice Guy? Gah.

Essentially, I just want someone who will hold my hand, let me scratch his back, cuddle with me, and talk to me. Shouldn't be so hard, eh?

1 comment:

Alex said...

The whole dating thing is easier for guys, since we can choose the ones we want...we always deal with the monster of REJECTION, which constantly threatens to destroy our fragile egos.

Before asking out a chick, I always test the waters a bit: I look for an opportunity to strike up a conversation to test compatibility. If she reacts positively, I can move on to the next step...thanks to the miracle of facebook, it's much easier. :-)