Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Now that I'm officially oriented in the UNT College of Music, I'd like to note a few differences between my two schools.

1. Practice Rooms
BYU: 25? on one floor of the music building. scheduled, but flexibly so. free. unlocked during building hours (6am-11pm).
UNT: 300. in two buildings containing only practice rooms. keyed doors. rented for $80 for the year. unlocked during building hours (till 11:30 on weeknights, 2:30am on weekends).

2. Personnel
BYU: Mostly Caucasian. A peppering of minorities and international students. Clean-cut, modest, sparkly.
UNT: Maybe 50% Caucasians from the States, the rest minority and / or international students. Smelly, hairy, and smokers.

3. Organization
BYU: a fairly well-oiled machine: Mormons are used to managing large groups of people.
UNT: surprisingly disorganized: one would think that they would have figured out the most efficient way to do some of these things.

Well, that's all I've got so far. It's interesting. I miss my Provo-friends.

1 comment:

Alex said...

why didn't you do grad work at the Y?