Sunday, March 25, 2007

Life After Recital

Well, it's over. I survived. It was far, far from perfect, but I suppose I would still put it in the category of "success." And anyway, it's over now.

It was really lovely to have my parents here. They help me out so much, and I love them. It was great to play with my daddy again--it's been quite some time since we've collaborated. It was a little strange to see them walking the halls of the 2nd floor of the HFAC, but it was amusing in a strange sort of way to see my parents in the same place as all my friends.

I am so grateful to have all of these wonderful people in my life. My parents are great--anybody who met them can no doubt attest to that. It was such a pleasant surprise to see my (white) cousins and their grandparents (and no, they're not also my grandparents--stop trying to be so cheeky!) there. And I was overwhelmed by love when I walked into my living room to see so many people that I care so deeply about. I must be the luckiest girl in the world to have so many great friends. Dadnmom were really impressed by everyone, and it made me realize that I probably take it all for granted.

Really, though, it gave me pause to reflect on these wonderful friendships I've developed while here at BYU. To say that I am going to miss everyone next year would be a gross understatement. What am I going to do? I'm leaving so many of my very favorite people in the world in making the 1200 mile trek back to Texas--will I be able to make it without them? Olivier Messiaen said that human love is a pale reflection of the only true love: Divine Love. I believed that last night, when I felt so much love for and from everyone. God loves me too.

I don't know why so many of the greatest people in the world tolerate my company, but I'm so glad they do. I hope I can someday be the kind of person that you all are.

1 comment:

AltruisticMD said...

Just want you to know.... you're an amazing and talented artist... oh oh! and you're loved too!
