Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Contents of My Purse

Why? Because I'm bored.

* sunglasses (Esprit brand, inherited from Roommate Shelly)
* ticket stub from Kimbell Art Museum's "The Mirror and the Mask: Portraiture in the Age of Picasso"
* iPod
* iPod earbuds (listed separately because they're not connected to the iPod itself)
* ticket stub from the Simpsons Movie
* schedule for Institute, Fall 07-08
* the novel Wuthering Heights
* tic-tacs (spearmint)
* a bottle of Aleve
* one cake of Liebenzeller Metall-Kolophonium Rosin, Gold IV
* one Tourte cello mute (one-hole)
* checkbook
* tampons (6!)
* wallet
* lotion (Bath & Body Works Pleasures: Sparkling Peach)
* two half-empty packages Eclipse Winterfrost gum
* one tube Chapstick (medicated)
* Mead Fat Lil' Notebook
* hair elastic
* house and car keys
* one pot Savex lip balm (peppermint)
* ticket stub from Aztec Theatre in San Antonio
* fortune from cookie ("Set the right example. It will inspire others.")
* card from Logan's Shoe Shop, where my wedding shoes are being dyed
* one tube Banana Boat lip balm (Aloe Vera with Vitamin E, SPF 30)
* one tube Softlips lip balm (French Vanilla)
* three black Bic pens
* two mechanical pencils
* one pen from Ryan High School ("Excellence in Action")

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